姓名:王化明 | 性别:男 | 职务: | |
职称:教授 | 博导/硕导:博导 | 办公室:17-409 | |
研究领域:图像处理与机器视觉、工业机器人视觉引导、移动机器人 | |||
电话: | Email:[email protected] |
王化明,博士,ob体育 教授/博导。2004年毕业于南京航空航天大学机械电子工程专业,获工学博士学位。2013年在墨尔本大学机械工程系做访问学者。2014年获江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才选拔培养资助。
[1] Wang Xincheng, Li Luyang, Wang Huaming, Positioning accuracy prediction of precision cycloid reducer based on a BDDTE model and use in design optimization, Precision Engineering, 2024, 88: 27-43.
[2] Hao Linbo, Wang Huaming, Ying Shen, Xincheng Wang, Ke Xu, A novel multi-seam extraction method for structured workpieces with medium-thick plates based on DLP vision, Measurement, 2023, 113808.
[3] Hao Linbo, Wang Huaming, Both real-valued and binary multi-feature fusion histograms for 3D local shape representation, The Visual Computer, 2023, //doi.org/10.1007/s00371-023-03196-z.
[4] 曹文卓, 袁兴安, 王太固, 徐兵, 冯玉凯, 王化明, 基于语义分割的船闸水位检测方法研究, 仪器仪表学报, 2023, 44(2): 238-247.
[5] Hao Linbo, Yang Xuefeng, Xu Ke, Yi Wentao, Shen Ying, Wang Huaming, Rotational Voxels Statistics Histogram for both real-valued and binary feature representations of 3D local shape, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2023, 93, 103817.
[6] Wang Xincheng, Li Luyang, Ye Jianfeng, Yang Xuefeng, Wang Huaming, He Xigang, Positioning accuracy prediction and tolerance allocation of cycloid reducers based on a BDTCA model, Journal of Mechanical Design, 2023, 145, 073401.
[7] Hao Linbo, Wang Huaming, Geometric feature statistics histogram for both real-valued and binary feature representations of 3D local shape, Image and Vision Computing, 2022, 117: 104339.
[8] Ye Jianfeng, Li Qilin, Yu Jinlong, Wang Xincheng, Wang Huaming, Affinity Learning Via Self-Supervised Diffusion for Spectral Clustering, IEEE ACCESS, 2020, 9: 7170 - 7182.
[9] 叶剑锋,王化明,AdaBoost检测结合SOM的自动人脸识别方法,哈尔滨工程大学学报,2018,39(1):129-134.
[10] Wang Huaming, Luan Yunguang, Oetomo Denny, Wang Zhen, Design, Analysis and Experimental Evaluation of a Gas-fuel-powered Actuator for Robotic Hoppers, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2015, 20(5): 2264 – 2275.
[1] 一种基于DLP三维视觉的立体结构工件焊缝定位装置,申请号:2024101316043。
[2] 一种基于语义分割和由粗到精策略的船闸水位检测方法,专利号:ZL202310069099.X。
[3] 一种基于视觉测量的智能控制焊接系统,专利号:ZL202110366806.2。
[4] 一种面向水下狭窄空间检测的柔性机器人系统,专利号:ZL201810596961.1。
[1] 2019年中国水运建设行业协会科学技术奖,二等奖,排名第2。