

发布时间:2019-12-11浏览次数:10437作者:来源:ob体育 供图:审核:









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陈明和,男,工学博士,教授, 博士生导师,中国机械工程学会高级会员,中国航空学会高级会员,中国材料研究学会高级会员,高等学校机电类学科教学委员会材料成型及控制学科委员会委员,“International Journal of Mechanical Sciences”、 “ International Journal of Material Forming”审稿专家。主要从事轻质高强(钛合金及难成形材料)成形工艺、板料成形CAE技术、集成计算材料工程(ICME)、材料超塑性及成形/扩散连接技术、飞机(飞行器)钣金精密制造及抗疲劳制造技术等方向的教学科研工作。主要参加及主持国家863项目1项、国家自然科学基金2项、总装备部重大预研专项3项、国家重大型号项目5项、国际合作项目2项、江苏省科技支撑项目1项、航空重点实验室基金项目1项、上海市引进技术的吸收与创新计划项目1项、产学研项目20余项。在上述主要研究领域发表学术论文60余篇,SCI收录25,EI收录30余篇;获省、部级科技进步一等奖1项,二等奖1项,三等奖5项,校科技进步三等奖1项,省级教学成果二等奖1项、校级教学成果奖一等奖1项,三等奖2;获国家发明专利授权6项。2013年入选南京市科技领军人才计划。


[1] 吴心晨,陈明和,谢兰生.TC4钛合金空心风扇叶片面板成形缺陷的蠕变修复.稀有金属材料与工程.2016,45(11):2942-2947SCI)

[2] M.H.Chen, G.L.Chen,N.Wang.Effects of Aging Process in Hot Forming with Synchronous Cooling on Properties of AA2024.Key Engineering Materials,2016,725:706-710(EI).

[3] S.R.DuM.H.ChenL.S.Xie .Optimization of process parameters in the high-speed milling of titanium alloy TB17 for surface integrity by the Taguchi-Grey relational analysis method. ADVANCES IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 2016,8(10)(SCI).

[4] G.L.Chen,M.H.Chen,N.Wang.Hot forming process with synchronous cooling for AA2024 aluminum alloy and its application ,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY ,2016,86(1-4):133-139(SCI)

[5] D.C.HuoM.H.ChenL.Wang.Dynamic tensile behaviour and deformational mechanism of C5191 phosphor bronze under high strain rates deformation,Materials Science and Engineering A,2016,649(6):68-73(SCI).

[6] 陈明和,胡道春.高速冲裁过程中的韧性断裂和断面质量研究进展 . 中国机械工程 ,2016,27(9):1263-1269(EI).

[7] 吴心晨,陈明和,谢兰生等,复杂外形航空发动机TC4钛合金宽弦空心风扇叶片弯扭成形,航空学报,2015,Vol.36(6):2055-2063(EI收录)

[8] D.C.HuoM.H.ChenJ.D.Ouyang. Finite element analysis of the thermal effect in high-speed blanking of thick sheet metalIntJAdvManufTechnol(2015)80:1481-1487SCI收录).

[9] J.D.Ouyang, M.H.Chen,N.Wang. Size effects on deformation behavior of C5210 phosphor bronze thin sheetTrans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China 25(2015) 1114−1121SCI收录)

[10] 张成祥,陈明和,雷晓晶,胡思嘉,吴亚凤,GH600合金薄板成形极限研究,航空材料学报,2015Vol.356):35-40

[11] M.H.Chen,Y.Y.Cao,W.Chen.Research on Synchronized Cooling Hot Forming Process of 6016 Aluminum alloy. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 452-453 (2012) pp 81-85SCI: BCC28

[12] Wang, Xiaofang; Chen, Minghe; Chen, Wei. Flow stress of TC4-DT titanium alloy under different hot deformation conditions. Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2012, 44: 117-120(EI:20123215324230 )

[13] M.H. ChenJ.H. Li, Z.S.Zhu. An artificial neural network approach to predict the relationship between the processing parameters and properties of TC21 titanium alloy. Key Engineering Materials, 2009, 426-427: 709-713(SCI: BPN06)

[14] M.H. Chen, J.H. Li, D.W. Zuo, M. Wang. Development and application of the finite element analysis program of the stress-based forming limit criterion for sheet metal forming. Materials Science Forum, 2007,561-565:1995-1998 (SCI:BHE49)

[15] M.H. Chen, L. Gao, D.W. Zuo, M. Wang. Application of the forming  limit stress diagram to forming limit prediction for the multi-step forming of auto panels. Journal of Material Processing technology2007,187-188:173-177 (SCI:159WL)

[16] M.H. Chen, Y.H. Xue, D.W. Zuo, M. Wang. Numerical simulation and experimental investigation of high strain rate superplastic forming of Al-6Mg-0.2Sc alloy. Materials Science Forum, 2007,551-552:287-292 (SCI:BGH40)

[17] M.H. Chen, J.G. Zhang, D.W. Zuo, M. Wang. Superplasticity and superplastic formability of Al-Mg-Sc alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2006,36(s3): pp1411-1414 (SCI:140RP)

[18] M.H. Chen, H.H. Mao, D.W. Zuo, M. Wang. Numerical simulation of stretch bending process and springback for T section aluminum Extrusions. Key Engineering Materials(Advances in Machining & Manufacturing Technology VⅢ), 2006,315-316:416-420(SCI:BES76)

[19] M.H. Chen, D.W. Zuo, M. Wang, Parameters in the calescent s uperplastic bulge forming of Ti-6Al-4V Alloys sheet based on fuzzy neural network. Advances in Materials Manufacturing Science and Technology, Materials Science Forum,2004, 471-472:596-602 (SCI:BBF53)

[20] M.H. Chen, Application of reaction sintering to the manufacturing of a spacecraft combustion chamber of Sic ceramics. Journal 0f Materials Processing technology,2002,l29:408-4ll (SCI:607MJ)


[1] MY项目钛合金热成形工艺技术研究,某重大型号项目,2017.1-2018.12

[2] MY项目钛合金热成形模具设计与制造技术研究, 某重大型号项目,2016.1-2017.6

[3] 加工表面完整性对超高强钛合金疲劳寿命作用机理影响规律研究,航空重点基金项目,2015.1-2017.12

[4] C919客机型材滚弯成形工艺技术研究,中国商飞洪都商飞分公司产学研项目,2014.4-2016.6

[5] 基于超塑成形/扩散连接工艺的航空发动机宽弦空心风扇叶片制造技术,江苏省科技支撑项目,2013.1-2015.12

[6] 航空发动机典型钣金件成形模拟仿真技术,西安航空动力有限公司产学研项目,2013.1-2015.12                                  

[7] 基于同步冷却热成形工艺的可热处理高强铝合金板材的成形性能研究,国家自然科学基金(51175252),2012.1-2015.12

[8] 某飞行器钛合金舵面SPF/DB工艺技术研发,某工程型号项目(*****),2012-2013

[9] 飞机复杂钛合金钣金件精确成形技术开发研究,上海市引进技术的吸收与创新计划项目,2012.1-2014.12

[10] Formability evaluation of low cost aluminum sheets at room and medium temperature from selected suppliers in ChinaFord-University Alliance Project, 2011.1-2014.12

[11] TC21高性能钛合金加工表面完整性性能评价研究,某重点工程应用项目(*****),2009.5-2011.6

[12] TC4-DT损伤容限型钛合金加工成形性能评价研究,某重点工程应用项目(*****),2008.5-2010.6

[13] Characterization of  Low Cost Aluminum Alloys at Room and Elevated Temperature, Ford-University Alliance Project,2008.1-2010.12

[14] 某型飞机钛合金构件研制,某重点型号工程项目,2008.5-2009.12

[15] 典型大曲率凸曲线零件的液压成形数值模拟及应用研究.江西洪都航空工业集团有限公司项目(2009.6-2010.12)

[16] 应力成形极限及其在多道次板成形分析中的应用基础研究,国家自然科学基金(50275075),2003.1-2006.12

[17] 中高强损伤容限型钛合金应用研究,总装备部“十一五”预研项目(*****), 2007.1-2010.12

[18] TC21高性能钛合金应用研究,总装备部重大预研专项(*****),2006.1-2008.12

[19] 新型钛合金成形性能及工艺研究,航天三院合作项目(1005-270035),2006.3-2007.10

[20] 铝锂合金型材下陷成形极限研究,上海航天设备总厂项目(1005-263007)2004.3-2004. 12

[21] 某型空空导弹的钛合金构件研制, 某重点型号工程项目,1999.1-2002.12

[22] 某型航天器SiC发动机喷管的研制,某重点型号预研项目,1997-2000



