姓名:杨炳雄 | 性别:男 | 职务: | |
职称:教授 | 博导/硕导:博导 | 办公室:17-617 | |
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电话: | Email:[email protected] |
[1] Bing Xiong Yang, Hirotatsu Ishii, Kouichi Iizuka, Hideki Hasegawa and Hideo Ohno, "MBE Growth of InP Using Polycrystalline InP as Phosphorus Source", Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, pp.127–130 (1990)
[2] Bing Xiong Yang and Hideki Hasegawa, "Migration–Enhanced Epitaxy of InP Using Polycrystalline InP as Phosphorus Source", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol.30 pp.3782–3787 (1991)
[3] Bing Xiong Yang and Hideki Hasegawa, "Migration–Enhanced Epitaxy of InP Using Polycrystalline InP as Phosphorus Source", Extended Abstracts of the 1991 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, pp.405–407 (1991)
[4] Bing Xiong Yang and Hideki Hasegawa, "Molecular Beam Epitaxy and Migration–Enhanced Epitaxial Growth of InP Using Polycrystalline InP as Phosphorus Source", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. Vol.32, pp.704–710, (1993)
[5] Bing Xiong Yang and Hideki Hasegawa, "Properties of InP Grown by Migration Enhanced Epitaxy Using Polycrystalline InP as Phosphorus Source", Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, pp.271–274 (1993)
[6] Bing Xiong Yang and Hideki Hasegawa, "Behavior of Growth Rate in Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxial Growth of InP Using Phosphine", Extended Abstracts of the 1993 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, pp.754–756, (1993)
[7] Bing Xiong Yang and Hideki Hasegawa, "Effects of Phosphorus Pressure on Growth Rate and Layer Quality of InP Grown by Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 33, pp.742–748, (1994)
[8] Bing Xiong Yang, Tsuyoshi Ozeki and Hideki Hasegawa, "Behavior of InP Growth by Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy on Singular and Vicinal Substrates", Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, pp.648–651 (1994)
[9] Tsuyoshi Ozeki, Bing Xiong Yang and Hideki Hasegawa, "A New Method for Calibration of V/III Ratio in Gas Source MBE and Its Application to Migration–Enhanced Epitaxy", J. Crystal Growth. Vol. 150, pp.602-606 (1995)
[10] Bing Xiong Yang, Li He and Hideki Hasegawa, "Study of As4Beam– induced P–As Exchange Reaction on InP Surface by Photoluminescence and X–ray Diffraction”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, 1995, Sapporo, Japan
[11] B.X. Yang, T. Ozeki, Y. Ishikawa and H. Hasegawa "Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of InP Surface reconstruction Grown by MOMBE", Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., Vol.35, No. 2, (1996)
[12] Bing Xiong Yang, Li He and Hideki Hasegawa, “Properties of InAsxP1-x Layer formed by P-As Exchange Reaction on (001) InP Surface Exposed to As4 Beam”, J. Electronic Materials, Vol.25, pp.379-384 (1996)
[13] M. Tamargo, Y.Guo, L. Zeng, A. Cavus, B. Yang, G. Aizin, Y.C. Chen, and N. Dai, “Lasing in ZnCdMgSe Structures Lattice-Matched to InP Substrates”, 1996 Electronic Materials Conference, Santa Barbara, CA. June 1996.
[14] F.H. Pollak, R. Ram, T. Holden, J.L. Freeouf, B.X. Yang and M.C. Tamargo, “Spectral Ellipsometry Investigation of ZnCdSe Lattice-Matched to InP”, 1996 Electronic Materials Conference, Santa Barbara, CA. June 1996.
[15] A. Cavus, B.X. Yang, L. Zeng, M. Wright, B. Shewareged, M.C. Tamargo, E. Snoeks and L. Zhao, “Highly Improved Quality of Lattice-Matched ZnCdSe on InP Substrates: Use of III-V Buffer Layers and Doping”, the 8th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Malibu, CA, August 1996.
[16] L. Zeng, A. Cavus, B.X. Yang, N. Dai, F. Naz, M.C. Tamargo, Y. Guo, G. Ayzin, Y.C. Chen, N. Bambha, A. Gray and F. Semendy, “MBE Growth of High Quality Lattice-Matched ZnCdMgSe Quaternaries on InP Substrates”, the 8th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Malibu, CA, August 1996.
1. 2005年4月–现在 大连艾科科技开发有限公司总裁、技术首席
2. 2001年1月–2005年3月 Multiplex 硅谷研发中心 主任(Director) 光电器件和子系统技术
3.1997年9月–2000年12月 富士通量子器件(北美)项目经理 光电器件和子系统技术
4. 1995年9月–1997年8月 纽约市立大学 研究员(博士后) II-IV族宽禁带半导体的MBE生长
5. 1993年4月–1995年8月 日立特聘研究员 InGaAsP/InP及关联材料量子结构的MOMBE/CBE 生长法
6. 1987年10月–1993年3月 北海道大学 博士课程研究生 InP关联材料的MBE生长法
1. 美国IEEE通信分会会员
2. 美国真空学会会员