姓名:何宁 | 性别:男 | 职务: | |
职称:教授 | 博导/硕导:博导 | 办公室:15-313 | |
研究领域:机械制造 | |||
电话:025-84896040 | Email:[email protected]. cn |
现任ob体育-ob体育官网 教授、博士生导师。1977年考入原南京航空学院航空制造工程系,1982年毕业,获学士学位,并留校任教,后在南航陆续获硕士和博士学位。1982年开始研究金属加工理论与技术,目前主要从事机械制造教学与科研,主要社会兼职包括中国刀协常务理事、中国刀协切削先进技术研究会副理事长、中国航空航天工具协会理事、中国机工学会生产工程分会切削专业委员会委员、中国高教学会外国留学生教育管理分会学术委员会委员;任国际HSM会议协调董事会与学术委员会委员,IMCC国际制造技术会议指导委员会秘书长等。
以第一成果人获部省级科学技术奖二等奖2项,三等奖3项,教学成果二等奖1项,授权发明专利30余件,发表200余篇学术论文;获科学出版基金资助,与德国H. Schulz教授和E.Abele教授合作,由科学出版社出版学术著作《高速加工理论与应用》;由国家出版基金资助出版学术著作《高速切削技术》。研究成果已在我国骨干工业企业的重大重点工程中成功应用。
Prof. Ning HE,born in November 1959 (Male), now is the professor in College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA). Prof. He obtained his BSc., MSc. and Ph.D. degree in mechanical manufacturing from NUAA in 1982, 1987 and 1997 respectively.
Prof. He started his researches in the area of metal cutting from 1982. Now, his research interests mainly include: high speed and high performance cutting, micro cutting, sustainable machining, analysis and control of machining deflection of monolithic components. He has served as a principal investigator for various key research initiatives sponsored by The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Minister of Science and Technology of China (MOST), other government research funding and corporations. Funded by Science Publishing funding of Chinese Academy of Science, Prof. H. Schulz, Prof. E.Abele and Prof. He published academic work of “The high speed Machining-Fundamentals and Applications”(in Chinese). Prof. He has published over 200 Journal and conference papers, granted more than 30 patents, won 3 items of second prizes and 3 items of third prizes of Minister Level Science and Technology Award and High Education Award.
Prof. He is Academic Committee Member of China Association for International Education, Standing Committee Member of China Metal Cutting Tool Engineering Association, Vice Director of Chinese Society of Advanced Machining, CMCTEA, General Secretary of Steering Committee of International Conference on Manufacturing in China(IMCC), Member of Board of Coordination and Scientific Committee of International Conference on High Speed Machining.