

发布时间:2019-02-05浏览次数:6672作者:来源:ob体育 供图:审核:

姓名: 王林锋

性别: 男







Email[email protected]


王林锋,博士,副研究员,美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校访问学者,江苏省机械工程学会摩擦学分会理事、国际仿生工程学会会员、中国机械工程学会高级会员。2009年本科毕业于吉林大学农业机械化及其自动化专业,2014年博士毕业于清华大学机械工程系摩擦学国家重点实验室机械设计及理论专业。主要研究方向为机器人智能触觉传感技术、仿生黏附原理与应用、高端装备摩擦学。主持国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金、南航青年科技创新基金和国防合作项目等科研项目,作为研究骨干承担国家自然基金重点、面上项目和国防合作项目等科研任务。在领域内重要学术期刊发表SCI论文20余篇,授权发明专利2项,获世界摩擦学会议奖项1次,长期受邀担任Nano EnergyChem. Eng. J.NanoscaleFrictionJ. Bionic Eng.Phys. Scripta10余个国际著名期刊审稿人。


2014.9—现在           助理研究员,副研究员     南京航空航天大学

2018.12 —2019.12     访问学者        美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校


已发表SCI学术论文20余篇,研究成果被Nanotechweb.org网站作为亮点文章进行重点介绍,被ScienceAdv. Funct. Mater.Nano LettersACS Nano等国际权威期刊和诺贝尔奖获得者K. S. Novoselov等领域内重要研究团队他引400余次。


[1] Linfeng Wang, Minhao Hu, Kaixuan Kong, Jing Tao, Keju Ji, Zhendong Dai. A deep-learning-assisted versatile electret sensor for moving object detection. Nano Energy, 104, 107934, 2022. (TOP期刊,IF 17.6)

[2]L. F. Wang, J. Li, J. Tao, M. Hu, Z. Dai. Sensitive self-powered particles detection based on cumulative triboelectric charging. Nano energy, 89, 106393, 2021. (TOP期刊,IF 17.6)

[3]Chi Xu, Yang Li, Linfeng Wang, Lexin Shi, Zhendong Dai. Experimental and first-principles study on the interfacial interactions between vertically aligned carbon nanotubes and growth substrates: Prospects for better substrate adhesion. Diamond & Related Materials 133, 109734, 2023.

[4]Jing Tao, Linfeng Wang*, Kong, K., Minhao Hu, Zhendong Dai. Contact electrification of biological and bio-Inspired adhesive materials on SiO2 surfaces: Perspectives from DFT calculations. Biomimetics 7(4), 216, 2022.

[5]Jing Tao, Linfeng Wang*, Minhao Hu, Zhendong Dai. First-Principles Study on Tuning of Contact Electrification and Adhesion of Bio-Inspired Adhesive Carbon-Based Materials via External Electric Field. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126, 11, 5354–5361, 2022.

[6]Jing Tao, Linfeng Wang*, Jin Li, Zhendong Dai. Contact electrifcation and adhesion between carbon nanotube and graphene on metal surfaces: Insights from first principles study. Journal of Bionic Engineering, 19, 103-112, 2022.

[7]Linfeng Wang, Yi Dong, Minhao Hu, Jing Tao, Jin Li and Zhendong Dai. The evolution of surfaces and mechanisms of contact electrification between metals and polymers. Chinese Physics B, 2022, 31, 066202.

[8]F. Yang, J. Li, Y. Long, Z. Zhang, L. F. Wang, J. Sui, Y. Dong, Y. Wang, R. Taylor, D. Ni, W. Cai, P. Wang, T. Hacker, X. Wang. Wafer-scale heterostructured piezoelectric bio-organic thin films. Science, 373, 337-342, 2021.

[9]L. F. Wang, Y. Dong, J. Tao, T. B. Ma, Z. D. Dai. Study on the mechanisms of contact electrification and charge transfer between polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) and metals. J. Phys. D Appl. Phys., 53, 285302, 2020.

[10]L. F. Wang, J. Tao, T. B. Ma, Z. D. Dai. The electronic behaviors and charge transfer mechanism at the interface of metals: A first-principles perspective. J. Appl. Phys., 126, 205301, 2019.

[11]L. F. Wang, X. Zhou, T. B. Ma, D. M. Liu, L. Gao, X. Li, J. Zhang, Y. Z. Hu, H. Wang, Y. D. Dai, J. B. Luo. Superlubricity of graphene/MoS2 Heterostructure: A combined experimental and DFT study. Nanoscale, 9, 10846-10853, 2017.

[12]R. Y. Shi, L. F. Wang, L. Gao, A. S. Song, Y. M. Liu, Y. Z. Hu, T. B. Ma. Quantitative calculation of atomic-scale frictional behavior of two-dimensional material based on sliding potential energy surface. Acta Physica Sinica, 66, 196802, 2017.

[13]L. F. Wang, T. B. Ma, Y. Z. Hu, H. Wang. Understanding the atomic-scale friction in grpahene: the distinction in behaviors of interlayer interactions during sliding. J. Appl. Phys., 120, 205302, 2016.

[14]L. F. Wang and Z. D. Dai. Effects of the natural microstructures on the wettability of leaf surfaces. Biosurface and biotribology, 2, 70-74, 2016.

[15]L. F. Wang, T. B. Ma, Y. Z. Hu, Q. S. Zheng, H. Wang, and J. B. Luo. Superlubricity of two-dimensional fluorographene/MoS2 heterostructure: a first-principles study. Nanotechnology, 25(38), 385701, 2014.


[1] 王林锋; 李进; 董义; 戴振东.一种基于摩擦起电的金属颗粒特征检测系统,2020-10-16, 中国, 202010564502.2.

[2] 王林锋; 董义; 李进; 戴振东. 基于摩擦纳米发电机的野外能量收集装置,2019-07-29, 中国, 201910687543.8.

[3] 王林锋; 董义; 李进; 戴振东. 一种面接触起电实时测量平台,2019-03-15, 中国, 201910197543.X.  


2017年世界摩擦学大会Best Poster Award

2021年南京航空航天大学 “校微课教学比赛”二等奖




[1] 国家自然科学基金(51505217),主持;

[2] 江苏省自然科学基金面上项目(BK2023),主持;

[3] 南京航空航天大学青年科技创新基金(NS2019050),主持

[4] 国防合作项目,***防护装置设计,主持。

[5] 国家自然科学重点项目(51435008),参与

[6] 国家自然科学面上项目(52075249),参与

[7] 国防合作项目,海军某研究中心,参与

[8] 国防合作项目,中航工业611所,参与






