
Behzad Heidarshenas

发布时间:2019-06-29浏览次数:5594作者:来源:ob体育 供图:审核:


Behzad Heidarshenas







研究领域: Energy Storage and Fuel Cells, Functional Coatings, Nanomaterials


Email[email protected]


Behzad Heidarshenas, Ph.D., has served as a lecturer at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) since 2020. He earned his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Eastern Mediterranean University in Turkey in February 2018. Following this, he engaged in postdoctoral research at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics from October 2018 to 2020. Dr. Heidarshenas possesses a broad educational and research portfolio that includes materials science, welding technology, corrosion and degradation of both metals and non-metals, fractography and fracture mechanics, heat treatment processes, metallography, and microstructure analysis. His multidisciplinary expertise enables him to tackle various challenges in materials and mechanical engineering. He has participated in designing and optimizing energy storage systems, such as lithium-ion batteries and fuel cells for the last 5 years. He is an editorial member of the journal “Recent Progress in Science.” Dr. Heidarshenas has authored a total of 30 published papers, with 18 as the first or corresponding author in prestigious journals, including the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Optics & Laser Technology, and Journal of Power Sources (//scholar.google.com/citations?user=TTrf4O8AAAAJ&hl=en).


2018 – 2020:    Post-doctoral fellow at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), China

2012 – 2017:    Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), Turkey

2005 – 2008:    MS in Materials Engineering at Azad University, Ahvaz - Iran

2002 – 2005:    BS in Materials Engineering at Azad University, Ahvaz - Iran

1990 – 2001:    Diploma in Mathematics         



From 2020: Lecturer at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), China. Mentoring 4 undergraduates and two master students.

  • Teaching Courses: Introduction to Aircraft Manufacturing, Corrosion Science

2018 – 2020:Post-doctoral Fellow at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,

2017 – 2018:Full-time faculty Member at Girne American University, Faculty of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Department.

  • Teaching Courses: Manufacturing Technology 1 & 2, Materials Science, Strength of Materials, General Physics, Linear Algebra    

2014 – 2018: Part-Time Faculty Member at Eastern Mediterranean University, School of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, August 2014 - January 2018,

  • Teaching Courses: Materials Science, Welding Technology, Engineering Metallurgy, Fracture Mechanics, and Corrosion of Materials at the School of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering.


[1] Behzad Heidarshenas,A.S. El-Shafay, S. Mohammad Sajadi, Yanjie Yuan, “Enhancing Efficiency in Microscale Systems with Microchannels: A Review”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2024, Q1, SCI, IF= 3.00

[2] Behzad Heidarshenas, Awatef Abidi, S. Mohammad Sajadi, Yanjie Yuan*, A.S. El-Shafay, Hikmet Ş. Aybar*, “Numerical Study and Optimization of Thermal Efficiency for a Pin Fin Heatsink with Nanofluid Flow by Modifying Heatsink Geometry”, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2024, Q1, SCI, IF= 8.6

[3] Behzad Heidarshenas, Mohammadhossein Nasehi, Ahmad Hammoud, Yanjie Yuan*, Rasoul Rezaie “Fabrication and characterization of incorporated nickel coatings with different loadings of tungsten carbide microparticles: Investigation of mechanical and chemical properties”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2023, Q1, SCI, IF= 4.3

[4] Behzad Heidarshenas, M. M. Abdullah, S. Mohammad Sajadi, Yanjie Yuan,*, Emad Hasani Malekshah,*, Hikmet Ş. Aybar*, “Exergy and environmental analysis of a hybrid system including reformers and heat recovery approaches to establish hydrogen-rich streams with least exergy loss”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, Q1, SCI, IF= 8.1

[5] Yanjie Yuan, M. M. Abdullah, S. Mohammad Sajadi, Behzad Heidarshenas*, Emad Hasani Malekshah, Hikmet Ş. Aybar, “Numerical investigation of the effect of changing the geometry of a U-shaped fuel cell channel with asymmetric gas flow and its effect on hydrogen consumption”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, Q1, SCI, IF= 8.1

[6] Ata Jahangir Moshayedi, Mehdi Taheri, Ali Heidari, Baraa Abd Alreda, Yanjie Yuan, Behzad Heidarshenas*, “Fuzzy Modeling and Characterization of Mechanical and Biological Properties of a Selective Laser Melting Shape: A Comprehensive Study”, Optics & Laser Technology, 2023, Q1, SCI, IF= 4.6

[7] Xiguo Chen, A. Kolooshani, Behzad Heidarshenas*, B. Mortezagholi, D.T. Semiruomi, “Effects of tricalcium phosphate-titanium nanoparticles on mechanical performance after friction stir processing on titanium alloys”,Materials Science and Engineering B, 2023, Q1, SCI, IF= 3.9

[8] H. Chen, W. Zhou, Y. Yuan, Behzad Heidarshenas*, “Impact of the number of tubes containing nanofluid flow on the melting and freezing of phase change materials in the thermal management of plate lithium-ion batteries.” Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2023, Q1, SCI, IF= 4.2

[9] H. Chen, A. Abidi, S. M. Sajadi, Y. Yuan, H. Ş. Aybar, Behzad Heidarshenas*, “Effect of splitter damper on airflow conduction for thermal management of a lithium-ion battery cooling system with plate and cylindrical batteries.” Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2023, Q1, SCI, IF= 5.5

[10] Haiji Chen, Wanlin Zhou, Yanjie Yuan, Behzad Heidarshenas*, “Effect of tube location on the temperature of plate lithium-ion battery applicable in the aerospace industry in the presence of two-phase nanofluid flow inside a channel placed in phase change material”, Energy Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2023, Q1, SCI, IF= 4.2

[11] Yuelei Zhang, Farzan Tavakoli, Magda Abd El-Rahman, Z. Li, Hikmet Ş. Aybar, Behzad Heidarshenas*, “Investigation of horizontal and vertical distance of lithium-ion batteries on the thermal management of the battery pack filled with phase change material with the airflow”, Journal of Power Sources, 2022, Q1, SCI, IF= 8.1

[12] Man-Wen Tian, Farzan Tavakoli, A.S. El-Shafay, Shu-Rong Yan, Mohamed Mousa, Behzad Heidarshenas*, “Economic cost and technical efficiency analysis of thermal management of a triple pack of lithium-ion battery with forced airflow and nano-phase change materials”, Journal of Power Sources, 2022, Q1, SCI, IF= 8.1

[13] Jia Liu, Farzan Tavakoli, S. Mohammad Sajadi, Mustafa Z. Mahmoud, Behzad Heidarshenas*, Hikmet Ş. Aybar, “Numerical Evaluation of the Effect of Oval PCM Compartment Dimensions Around a Triple Lithium Ion Battery Pack Despite Forced Airflow and The Use of Artificial Neural Network”, Energy Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2022, Q1, SCI, IF= 4.2

[14] Yu Jiang, Awatef Abidi, Mustafa Z. Mahmoud, Zhixiong Li, Behzad Heidarshenas*, “A study of nanoparticle shape in water/alumina/boehmite nanofluid flow in the thermal management of a lithium-ion battery under the presence of phase-change materials”, Journal of Power Sources, 2022, Q1, SCI, IF= 8.1

[15]Qingwei Zhai, Xiaobin Xu, Jizhou Kong,*, Mingguang Liu, Peng Xu, Behzad Heidarshenas, Qianzhi Wang, Fei Zhou*, “Three-dimensional simulation study on thermal behavior and thermal stress of lithium-ion battery”, Energy Technology, 2194-4288, 2022,SCI, Q2, IF=3.8

[16] Chen Haiji, Awatef Abidi, Ahmed Kadhim Hussein, Obai Younis, Mohamed Degani, Behzad Heidarshenas*, Investigation of the use of extended surfaces in paraffin wax PCM in thermal management of a cylindrical lithium-ion battery: Applicable in the aerospace industry, Journal of Energy Storage, 2021, Q1,SCI, IF= 8.9

[17] S. Saleem, Behzad Heidarshenas*, “An investigation on exergy in a wavy wall microchannel heat sink by using various nanoparticles in fluid flow: a two phase numerical study”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2021, SCI, Q2, IF= 3.00

[18] Behzad Heidarshenas, Hongyu Wei*, Laishui Zhou, Ghulam Hussain, Qin Li, Kostya (Ken) Ostrikov, “Green Inhibitors for Steel Corrosion in Acidic Environment: State-of-art”, Materials Today Sustainability, 2020, SCI, Q1, IF = 7.10

[19] M. Ibrahim, S. Saleem, Y. M. Chu, M. Ullah, Behzad Heidarshenas*, “An investigation of the exergy and first and second laws by two phase numerical simulation of various nanopowders with different diameter on the performance of zigzag wall micro heat sink (ZZW MHS)”, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2021, SCI, Q2, IF= 3.00

[20] Sara Rostami, Mohammad Badri, Behzad Heidarshenas, Ahmed Kadhim Hussein, Aysan Shahsavar Goldanlou*, Mostafa Safdari Shadloo*, “Numerical investigation on turbulent forced hybrid nanofluid flow and heat transfer inside the three-dimensional annulus equipped with hot and cold rods: Using symmetry simulation”, Symmetry, 2020, SCI, Q2, IF= 2.20

[21] HongyuWei, Ghulam Hussain*, Behzad Heidarshenas, “Post-forming mechanical properties of a polymer sheet processed by Incremental Sheet Forming: Insights into effects of plastic strain, and orientation and size of the specimen”, Polymers, 2020, SCI, Q1, IF= 4.70

[22] Hongyu Wei, Afrand, M., Kalbasi, R., Ali, H. M., Behzad Heidarshenas, Rostami, S.*, “The effect of tungsten trioxide nanoparticles on the thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol under different sonication durations: An experimental examination”, Powder Technology, 2020, SCI, Q1, IF= 4.50

[23] Nazaruddin Sinaga*, Hazim Moria, Sooppy Nisar, Cuong Manh, Behzad Heidarshenas, Akbar Arsalanloo, Mohammad Mehdizadeh Youshanlouei, “Melting performance enhancement of thermal storage system by utilizing shape and position of double fin”, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, SCI, 2021, Q1, IF= 6.40

[24]Haiji Chen, Hazim Moria, Saba Y. Ahmed, Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar, Abdeliazim Mustafa Mohamed, Behzad Heidarshenas,Akbar Arsalanloo*, Mohammad Mehdizadeh Youshanlouei, “Thermal/ Exergy and Economic efficiency analysis of circumferentially corrugated helical tube with constant wall temperature”, case studies in thermal engineering, 2020,SCI, Q1, IF= 6.40

[25] Hongyu Wei*, Abdul Latif, Ghulam Hussain, Behzad Heidarshenas, Khurram Altaf, “Influence of Tool Material, Tool Geometry, Process Parameters, Stacking Sequence, and Heat Sink on Producing Sound Al/Cu Lap Joints through Friction Stir Welding”, Metals (MDPI), 2019, SCI, Q1, IF=2.60

[26] Behzad Heidarshenas*, Ghulam Hussain, and Mohammed. Bsher. A. Asmael, “Development of a TiC/Cr23C6 Composite Coating on a 304 Stainless Steel Substrate through a Tungsten Inert Gas Process”, Coatings- MDPI, 2017, SCI, Q2, IF=2.90

[27] Hongyu Wei*, Zhiping Zhang, LaishuiZhou, Behzad Heidarshenas, Chi Zhang, Jun Xia, Linyi Zhi, Guozhu Shen, Hongyan Wu, “Influence of heat treatment on the microwave absorption properties of Flaky Carbonyl Iron Powder”, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, 2020

[28] HongyuWei*, Laishui Zhou, Behzad Heidarshenas, I.K. Ashraf, Chong Han, “Investigation on the Influence of Springback on Precision of Symmetric-Cone-like Parts in Sheet Metal Incremental Forming Process”, International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture, 2019

[29] Behzad Heidarshenas, Hongyu Wei, Zafar Ali Moghimi*, Ghulam Hussain, Fazel Baniasadi, Gholamreza Naghieh, “Nanowires in magnetic drug targeting”, Material Science & Engineering International Journal, 2019

[30] Hafez Alizadeh*, Amir Hanaei, Behzad Heidarshenas, Armita Shahbazkhan, Naghi Parvini Ahmadi, Amirhossein Pakseresht, “The Effect of accelerator types on the phosphate Zn-%12Ni electrodeposited coating”, Material Science & Engineering International Journal, 2019


  • Battery Thermal Management Systems, keynote Speaker and TPC member of the 5th International Conference on Energy and Sustainability (ICES2023).

  • Influence of Spark Plasma Sintering and Baghdadite Powder on Mechanical Properties of Hydroxyapatite, Procedia Materials Science, 2015

  • Introducing novel zirconium doped Ca-Si based bioceramic with unique mechanical properties" for the 5th International Conference on Ultrafine Grained and Nanostructured Materials, 2015

  • Fabrication of Al2o3/Sio2 Nanocomposite Coating by Sol-Gel Process (With a Persian Published Article In “Iranian Corrosion Association”), 2010

  • Study on Construction and Imperfection of Industrial Bearings, 2008


  • International (Regional) Research Partnership Incubation Fund (NG2024003): Basic scientific research expenses of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

  • Youth Science and Technology Innovation Fund (56XAA21004): Basic scientific research business expenses of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

  • Start-up fund (90YAH20144): Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering


    Journal of Energy Storage – 19

    Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements – 12

    Sustainable Energy Technology and Assessments – 10

    Journal of Power Sources – 6

    Journal of Building Engineering – 10

    International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture – 2

    Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers – 1

    Journal of Molecular Liquids - 1

