姓名:颜磊 | 性别:男 | 职务: | |
职称:副教授 | 博导/硕导: | 办公室:15-355 | |
研究领域:增材制造(Additive Manufacturing),增减材混合制造(Hybrid Additive Manufacturing) | |||
电话: | Email:lyan_obtiyu.net |
颜磊,博士,南京航空航天大学副研究员。主要研究方向为金属增材制造及增减材混合制造。主持并参与多项金属增材制造相关科研项目。担任Additive Manufacturing, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, Materials and Design等10余个国际期刊审稿人。
2022.07-至今 副研究员 南京航空航天大学
2021.01-2022.06 上岗副研究员 南京航空航天大学
2019.01-2020.12 工程师 Technical Data Analysis, Inc. (美国)
2012.07-2014.07 工程师 卡特彼勒技术研发(中国)有限公司
2009.09-2012.06 硕士 中国科学院南京天文光学技术研究所
[1] LeiYan, Yitao Chen, Frank Liou. Additive manufacturing of functionally graded metallic materials using laser metal deposition[J]. Additive Manufacturing,2020,31(C).
[2] Lei Yan, Yunlu Zhang, Frank Liou. A conceptual design of residual stress reduction with multiple shape laser beams in direct laser deposition[J]. Finite Elements in Analysis & Design,2018,144.
[3] Lei Yan, Wenyuan Cui, Joseph W. Newkirk, Frank Liou, Eric E. Thomas, Andrew H. Baker, James B. Castle. Build Strategy Investigation of Ti-6Al-4V Produced Via a Hybrid Manufacturing Process[J]. JOM,2018,70(9).
[4] Lei Yan, Yunlu Zhang, Joseph W. Newkirk, Frank Liou, Eric Thomas, Andrew Baker. Investigation of machining coolant residue cleaning methods for Ti6Al4V part fabrication through hybrid manufacturing process[J]. Manufacturing Letters,2018,16.
[5] Lei Yan, Xueyang Chen, Yunlu Zhang, Joseph W. Newkirk, Frank Liou. Fabrication of Functionally Graded Ti and γ-TiAl by Laser Metal Deposition [J]. JOM,2017,69(12).
[6] Lei Yan, Wei Li, Xueyang Chen, Yunlu Zhang, Joseph W. Newkirk, Frank W. Liou and David Dietrich. Simulation of Cooling Rate Effects on Ti–48Al–2Cr–2Nb Crack Formation in Direct Laser Deposition[J]. JOM,2017,69(3).
[7] Lei Yan, Xueyang Chen, Wei Li, Joseph W. Newkirk, Frank Liou. Direct laser deposition of Ti-6Al-4V from elemental powder blends[J]. Rapid Prototyping Journal,2016,22(5).
2018 NSF Student Travel Award
2016 NSF Student Travel Award
2016 Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium 最佳论文奖
2015 Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium 最佳论文奖