电子照片 | 姓名: Muhammad Jamil | 性别: Male | 职务:Associate Professor |
职称:Associate Professor | 博导/硕导:硕导 | 办公室:17-307 | |
研究领域:可持续制造(Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation) , | |||
电话:13016996270 | Email:[email protected] |
He is currently an Associate Professor at the College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), Nanjing China. He did his Bachelor's and master’s in industrial and manufacturing engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology (UET), Taxila, Pakistan. Then he joined the Swedish College of Engineering and Technology (SCET), WahCantt, Pakistan as a Senior Lecturer in the Mechanical Engineering Department. Later, he did his Ph.D. and Postdoctoral at the College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, NUAA in 2017-2023. In his Ph.D. and Postdoctoral Research, he mainly researched high-speed machining of aerospace alloys, cryogenic machining, dry ice-based hybrid cooling/lubrication systems, and sustainable manufacturing.
He served as principal investigator (PI) in one National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) research fund for International Young Scientists (RFIS-1) in 2023. He participated in some NSFC Projects in China. The research results have been successfully applied in major key projects of China's backbone industrial enterprises. He achieved the “Jiangsu Excellent Postdoctoral Award” in 2022. He has carried out pioneering and in-depth research in the field of manufacturing/machining-related technologies, and the main research areas include:
1. Advanced processing technology for aerospace parts
2. Micro/nano processing and manufacturing technology
3. Sustainable processing technology
4. Sustainable cooling/lubrication technologies
He has published over 100 research articles, book chapters, and international conference articles as first author and coauthor. His research work has been cited more than 4900 times as per Google Scholar. His h-index is 38 and his i10-index is 77. He has been nominated in the World’s Top 2% of scientists for consecutive three years (2021-2023), ranked by Stanford University, USA (//elsevier.digitalcommonsdata.com/datasets/btchxktzyw/4). He is actively involved in collaboration with several reputed international universities in the UK, Poland, Russia, Canada, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, and Turkey. His Ph.D. thesis was selected among the outstanding Graduate Ph.D. Thesis (Graduate Committee, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing China 2021). He won the Excellent Graduate Student Travel Award from the MDPI Journal “Machines” (2019). One of his articles titled “Effects of hybrid Al2O3-CNT nanofluids and cryogenic cooling on machining of Ti–6Al–4V” was nominated by “Web of Science” (2019) as in the Top 1% of the top cited articles in its field.
2014.08—2016.06 实验室助理 巴基斯坦塔克西拉工程技术大学
2016.08—2017.09 高级讲师 巴基斯坦瑞典工程技术学院
2021.7 —2023.06 博士后研究员 南京航空航天大学
2023.07—现在 副教授 南京航空航天大学
2014.8—2016.09 硕 士 巴基斯坦塔克西拉工程技术大学
2010.09—2014.7 学 士 巴基斯坦塔克西拉工程技术大学
他在学术期刊上发表了 100 多篇文章,出版了 3 本专著,在国际会议上做了 6 次以上的口头报告。主要代表作如下:
[1] Jamil M, He N, Zhao W, Khan AM, Xiang H, Gupta MK, Iqbal A. A novel low-pressure hybrid dry ice blasting system for improving the tribological and machining characteristics of AISI-52100 tool steel. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2022 Aug 1; 80: 152-60.
[2]Jamil M, He N, Zhao W, Xiang H, Gupta MK, Iqbal A, Khan AM. Assessment of energy consumption, carbon emissions and cost metrics under hybrid MQL-Dry ice blasting system: A novel cleaner production technology for manufacturing sectors. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022 Aug 1;360:132111.
[3] Jamil M, He N, Huang X, Zhao W, Gupta MK, Khan AM. Measurement of machining characteristics under novel dry ice blasting cooling assisted milling of AISI 52100 tool steel. Measurement. 2022 Mar 15;191:110821.
[4] Jamil M, Iqbal A, He N, Cheok Q. Thermophysical Properties and Heat Transfer Performance of Novel Dry-Ice-Based Sustainable Hybrid Lubri-Coolant. Sustainability. 2022 Feb 20;14(4):2430.
[5] Jamil M, He N, Gupta MK, Zhao W, Khan AM. Tool wear mechanisms and its influence on machining tribology of face milled titanium alloy under sustainable hybrid lubri-cooling. Tribology International. 2022 Jun 1;170:107497.
[6] Jamil M, He N, Huang X, Zhao W, Khan AM, Iqbal A. Thermophysical, tribological, and machinability characteristics of newly developed sustainable hybrid lubri-coolants for milling Ti-6Al-4V. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2022 Jan 1;73:572-94.
[7] Jamil M, He N, Zhao W, Khan AM, Laghari RA. Tribology and machinability performance of hybrid Al2O3-MWCNTs nanofluids-assisted MQL for milling Ti-6Al-4 V. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2022 Mar;119(3-4):2127-44.
[8] Jamil M, He N, Zhao W, Khan AM, Gupta MK, Meng L. Tribological behavior of WC-6Co against Ti–6Al–4V alloy under novel cryogenic ethanol-ester oil dry-ice hybrid lubri-cooling. Tribology International. 2021 Apr 1;156:106812.
[9] Jamil M, He N, Zhao W, Li L, Gupta MK, Sarikaya M, Khan AM, Singh R. Heat transfer efficiency of cryogenic-LN2 and CO2-snow and their application in the turning of Ti-6AL-4V. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2021 Feb 1;166:120716.
[10] Jamil M, Zhao W, He N, Gupta MK, Sarikaya M, Khan AM, Siengchin S, Pimenov DY. Sustainable milling of Ti–6Al–4V: A trade-off between energy efficiency, carbon emissions and machining characteristics under MQL and cryogenic environment. Journal of cleaner production. 2021 Jan 25;281:125374.
[11] Jamil M, Khan AM, Gupta MK, Mia M, He N, Li L, Sivalingam V. Influence of CO2-snow and subzero MQL on thermal aspects in the machining of Ti-6Al-4V. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2020 Aug 1;177:115480.
[12] Jamil M, Khan AM, Hegab H, Gong L, Mia M, Gupta MK, He N. Effects of hybrid Al2O3-CNT nanofluids and cryogenic cooling on machining of Ti–6Al–4V. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2019 Jun 19;102:3895-909.
[13] Jamil M, Khan AM, Hegab H, Gupta MK, Mia M, He N, Zhao G, Song Q, Liu Z. Milling of Ti–6Al–4V under hybrid Al 2 O 3-MWCNT nanofluids considering energy consumption, surface quality, and tool wear: a sustainable machining. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2020 Apr;107:4141-57.
[14] Jamil M, Khan AM, He N, Li L, Iqbal A, Mia M. Evaluation of machinability and economic performance in cryogenic-assisted hard turning of α-β titanium: a step towards sustainable manufacturing. Machining Science and Technology. 2019 Nov 2;23(6):1022-46.
[15] Jamil M, Khan AM, He N, Li L, Zhao W, Sarfraz S. Multi-response optimisation of machining aluminium-6061 under eco-friendly electrostatic minimum quantity lubrication environment. International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials. 2019;21(5-6):459-79.
[16] Jamil M, He N, Li L, Khan AM. Clean manufacturing of Ti-6Al-4V under CO2-snow and hybrid nanofluids. Procedia Manufacturing. 2020 Jan 1;48:131-40.
[17] JAMIL M, KHAN AM, GUPTA MK, Liang LI, Qinghua SO. Machinability Investigation and Optimization of Process Parameters in Cryogenic Assisted Sustainable Turning of AISI-L6 Tool Steel. Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics. 2020 Jun 1;37(3).
[18] Jamil M, Khan AM, Hegab H, Sarfraz S, Sharma N, Mia M, Gupta MK, Zhao G, Moustabchir H, Pruncu CI. Internal cracks and non-metallic inclusions as root causes of casting failure in sugar mill roller shafts. Materials. 2019 Aug 3;12(15):2474.
[19] Jamil M, Khan AM, Hegab H, Mia M, Gupta MK. Modeling, multi-objective optimization and cost estimation of bone drilling under micro-cooling spray technique: an integrated analysis. International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM). 2020 Jun;14:435-50.
[20] Jamil M, Rafique S, Khan AM, Hegab H, Mia M, Gupta MK, Song Q. Comprehensive analysis on orthopedic drilling: A state-of-the-art review. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 2020 Jun;234(6):537-61.
[21] Jamil M, Khan AM, Mia M, Iqbal A, Gupta MK, Sen B. Evaluating the effect of micro-lubrication in orthopedic drilling. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 2019 Oct;233(10):1024-41.
[1] Khan AM, He N, Zhao W, Zhang C, Jamil M. Fabrication of Smart-Meter for Power Consumption Measurements of Machine Tools. InFunctional Reverse Engineering of Strategic and Non-Strategic Machine Tools 2021 Jun 20 (pp. 227-247). CRC Press.
[2] Gupta, Munish K., Mozammel Mia, Nancy Gupta, Sunpreet Singh, Ankush Choudhary, Muhammad Jamil, Aqib M. Khan et al. "Modeling and Optimization Algorithms in Rapid Prototyping, Submerged Arc Welding, and Turning." Modeling and Optimization in Manufacturing: Toward Greener Production by Integrating Computer Simulation (2021): 193-215.
[1] Top 2% Scientists: In 2022-2023, I nominated in the list of Top 2% Scientists of the World by Stanford University, USA.
[2] Jiangsu Excellent Postdoctoral Award: In 2023, I won the “Jiangsu Excellent Postdoctoral Award”.
[3] Academic Excellence: Nominated as “Outstanding Honorary International PhD Graduate” by the Graduate Committee Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing China.
[4] International Academic Award: Excellent Graduate Student Travel Award by “Machines” MDPI Journal.
[5] Editorial Services: I am Associate Editor of “Frontiers in Manufacturing Technology, Section Sustainable Manufacturing” an Editorial board member of “International Journal of Sustainable Engineering” and “Green and Low Carbon Economy” Guest Editor of “Sustainability”, “Applied Sciences”, and “Lubricants”.
[1] 国家自然科学基金国际青年科学家项目(RFIS-1)(52250410358),设计、制造和实施一种新型和可持续的混合干冰喷射系统,以提高航空航天合金的可加工性, 负责人;
[2] 国家重点研发计划 国家重点研发计划(2020YFB2010605),洁净切削示范及应用支持技术与设备 与装备,主要参与;
[3] 国家重点研发计划 国家重点研发计划(2018YFB2002202),低温干切 机构及低温 功能部件设计 理论与方法,主要参与。